★ Core ingredient: PN polynucleotide It can effectively improve the internal structure of the skin, enhance the regeneration ability of cells and tissues, and restore the skin to a healthy and youthful state, keeping away from multiple problems such as dullness, damage, wrinkles, aging, and acne.
✓ Anti-aging, repair, whitening and brightening Main ingredients: PN polynucleotide, mannitol, sodium DNA, disodium hydrogen phosphate, sodium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate. Main effects: anti-wrinkle and anti-aging, moisturizing and rejuvenating, lifting and firming, repairing sensitivity, and shrinking pores. Applicable parts: whole face (around eyes), neck, back of hands, etc. Suitable for people: Suitable for people with problems such as rough and dry skin, sagging skin with fine lines, sensitive skin, thin stratum corneum and large pores. 促进胶原蛋白、弹性蛋白、透明质酸再生,改善细纹、松弛、毛孔粗大、紧致度提升; 立体架构帮助水分子凝聚,锁水保湿,平衡皮脂;改善纹理,提亮肤色; PN大分子促进肌肤再生的同时释放出PDRN,抗炎舒缓,修复受损屏障,恢复健康肌肤。 ✓高弹嫩滑:促进胶原蛋白生成,恢复肌肤弹性,增强细胞及组织再生能力,改善肤色; ✓祛皱抗衰:减少皱纹,改善肌肤松弛,紧致肌肤,防止皮肤老化,延缓衰老; ✓保湿美肤:补水保湿,使肌肤嫩滑有光泽; ✓水油平衡:有助于皮肤水油平衡,收缩毛孔,改善痘痘肌肤; ✓提拉紧致:具有一定的提升效果,提拉面部轮廓; ✓促进愈合:能够在伤口部位促进胶原蛋白生成,快速恢复伤口,缩短愈合时间,可用于消除疤痕,恢复皮肤痘印痘坑 更加专注眼周肌肤修复 主要成分 ● PN多核苷酸:提高皮肤再生能力,由内而外改善皮肤内循环 ● 透明质酸:淡化细纹,促进眼周皮肤细胞代谢,提高眼周皮肤弹性 适合人群:被黑眼圈、眼袋、细纹、泪沟等眼部问题困扰的人 为眼部输送养分,改善眼部内循环,淡化黑眼圈。 改善眼部松弛情况,淡化细纹,补充胶原蛋白。 维持眼部细胞活性,恢复皮肤弹性,增强细胞再生能力,焕发眼周生机。 🌟禁忌人群 🌟术后注意事项 前期建议一月一次,皮肤状态稳定后,可间隔6月一次进行巩固。 丽珠兰(Rejuran)是一种含有聚核苷酸(PN)的注射产品,以修复皮肤、促进再生为主要功能。聚核苷酸是一种从三文鱼DNA提取的活性成分,能够修复受损细胞、刺激胶原蛋白生成,从而改善皮肤质地和弹性。 丽珠兰水光针的价格因地区、注射部位和剂量不同而有所差异。在英国,每次丽珠兰水光针的费用通常在£200至£600之间,具体价格取决于个性化治疗方案和医疗机构的资质。如果选择像Ai Beauty Clinic这样经过CQC认证的正规医美机构,可以确保更高的安全性和专业性。 丽珠兰的副作用一般较轻微,常见的包括注射部位的轻微红肿、淤青和短暂的刺痛感。这些反应通常会在几天内自行消退。极少数情况下可能出现过敏反应,因此建议在正规医疗机构进行注射并与医生沟通。 丽珠兰能够显著改善皮肤质地、提升水润度和光泽,同时减少细纹和皱纹。注射后,皮肤会逐渐恢复弹性,毛孔变得细腻,整体肤质得到提升,效果通常可持续6至12个月。 丽珠兰黑盒是一种高浓度的聚核苷酸产品,特别适合改善面部深层的皱纹、痘疤和明显的皮肤老化问题。它能够深入皮肤基底层,促进细胞再生和修复,提供更持久的抗衰效果。 丽珠兰水光针以聚核苷酸为主要成分,具有修复受损细胞和促进皮肤再生的独特功能。而普通水光针通常含有透明质酸,主要作用是补水保湿。相比之下,丽珠兰水光针在抗衰老、修复能力和改善肤质方面表现更为突出。 丽珠兰的英文名称是 Rejuran,这是其国际通用的品牌名称。 丽珠兰白盒专注于眼周肌肤的修复,尤其针对眼周的细纹、暗沉和皮肤松弛等问题。它的成分和分子结构更适合眼周娇嫩的肌肤,能够有效改善眼周肌肤的弹性和光泽,让双眸周围的肌肤焕发青春。 丽珠兰的疗效因个人的皮肤类型和状况而异。有些人会在几天内发现肤质和水润度有所改善。然而,随着皮肤细胞的再生,完整的效果,尤其是胶原蛋白的生成和皱纹的减少,通常会在几周后变得更加明显。
1. CQC certified formal medical beauty Ai Beauty Clinic is the largest comprehensive Asian medical aesthetic hospital in Europe and has obtained CQC certification from the UK medical supervision agency. 2. Asian aesthetic physician team Adhering to Asian aesthetics, the professional medical team has GMC/NMC medical qualifications and a professional team composed of many former NHS British national public hospital doctors and nurses. They have accumulated rich clinical experience with Asian clients and have their own medical research department, which is led by a famous British chief medical beauty training instructor. There are also many doctors and nurses who have worked in NHS national hospitals, providing the most formal and safe Asian medical beauty. 3. Double insurance for comprehensive protection Ai Beauty always puts medical safety first. Every medical staff has independent medical insurance. In addition, AiBeauty also purchases clinic medical insurance with a coverage of 5 million pounds for each customer, double insurance to fully protect customer interests.
Customize Lizhulan Water Light
Salmon DNA Regeneration Water Light :
*PN is a DNA fragment extracted from the testis of salmon. After DNA fragment processing, the molecular weight increases to form a three-dimensional scaffold structure.
*PN patented ingredients have passed the highest level of organic certification in the United States, USDA approved certification.
Lizhulan Long-lasting Water Light (Black Box)
Korean Rejuran
大分子 · 三维体支架结构
丽珠兰 功效
眼部丽珠兰 长效水光 (白盒)
Korean Rejuran
眼部水光 · 全方位提升眼周状态
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