无论男女,在我们面部都有一条很重要的线条,那就是下颌线。不难发现,只要是上镜的明星们,即便是小胖子,也是人手一条“清晰的下颌线”。下颌线是“面部事业线”、“侧脸杀利器”,对我们面部正脸、侧脸的颜值都起到了至关重要的作用,在一定程度上还决定着人们的视觉年龄,因此下颌线一旦模糊,颜值危机就已然到来。我们该怎么解决呢? 这道从下颌角延伸至下巴的弧线,就是下颌线,也叫做“赫本线”、“腮线”,它的存在,几乎决定着我们的面部正、侧脸精致度,所以我们常说的高级脸、上镜脸,基本上都离不开这道弧线的加持。 美学领域内,下颌角的标准角度是116°。一条清晰分明的下颌线,立马让人气质提升。那些好看精致的瓜子脸、鹅蛋脸,甚至小圆脸,腮帮子收尾的地方总是干净利落,是有棱有角的侧颜。 年少时,下颌线锋利、明朗,让我们脸部线条显得流畅,带来一种脸部紧致充满青春的感觉,而当下颌缘线一旦模糊、松弛下垂或是臃肿出现双下巴,成熟、沧桑感立马来袭。所以说,一个线条紧致、清晰、流畅的下颌线可以提升一个人的整体气质和颜值,给人年轻、清隽的感觉。下颌缘线条模糊、松弛下垂或是臃肿出现双下巴,就会给人一种沧桑老态感。所以也有人称之为“少女线”。 肥胖 面部脂肪堆积后,脸上脂肪就会连着脖子,甚至出现双下巴,这时候下颌线一定是模糊消失的。 衰老 随着年龄增加,衰老引起的下颌线模糊,是由于皮肤松弛和脂肪层下垂,与颈部脂肪逐渐相连后导致的轮廓不清,下颌线开始之间模糊。这对应的也是真皮层衰老。是面部胶原蛋白含量减少,胶原纤维弹性下降乃至断裂导致的。还一种情况就是,在重力的作用下,降肌的力量超过提肌的力量,就也会出现面部松弛和下垂的情况。 肌肉凸出 咬肌发达或是发腮,侧面一看凸凸的就都是腮帮子,不仅会让脸变方也会让下颌线变模糊。 不良体态 长期低头、颈前伸会使颈阔肌张力不足,失去部分屈伸弹性,这也会让下颌线模糊不清,除此之外长期用嘴呼吸也会使下巴后缩,下颌线模糊难看。 ●脂肪型:面部脂肪堆积 ●衰老型:皮肤松弛下垂 ●肌肉型:颈阔肌 ●骨骼型:下巴短缩、下颌骨肥大型 简介: 轮廓针,通常多用肉毒素或是玻尿酸在下颌缘处进行施打,从而紧致面颊两侧,勾出更为清晰完美的下颌线轮廓。玻尿酸注入肌肤,会与体内原有的透明质酸融合,能很好的填充在我们皮肤内,因此在面部塑形方面使用非常之广。轮廓针使用玻尿酸注射的话,除了可填充凹陷轮廓,如太阳穴、两颊等,最主要可以施打在下颌骨骨膜处。 作用原理: 通过注射玻尿酸,组织拉伸,强化下颌轮廓,调整下颌缘形状、线条,使下颌线条变得清晰流畅,“支棱”起顺滑清晰的下颌缘,让侧面轮廓变得清晰,还可以拯救轮廓松弛带来得口角赘肉,是即时有效的轮廓塑形思路。 流程: 1、面诊:根据个人情况和需求确定注射范围和剂量。 2、术前准备:清洁、消毒注射部位。注射前确认药品全新未拆封。 3、注射:下颌缘处注入玻尿酸,一边注射一边按摩,塑形填充凹陷。 4、术后注意事项。 时间:30-45分钟 适合人群: 简介: 轮廓针,通常多用肉毒素或是玻尿酸在下颌缘处进行施打,从而紧致面颊两侧,勾出更为清晰完美的下颌线轮廓。面部肌肉多为条状肌肉,有收缩力,而肉毒素正是可以阻断神经与肌肉的神经冲动,麻痹过于发达的肌肉使之收缩,在肌肉的中间打,中间就松弛向两边拉紧,在下边打,上边就拉紧,上边打下边就拉紧,这就是肉毒素调整面部肌肉平衡力的基本原理。 作用原理: 轮廓针使用肉毒素的原理就是多点调整面部肌肉群,通过选择性松弛面部特定肌肉的某个或多个节点,从而调节相关肌肉,让肌肉带动面部皮肤起到提拉拽的作用,实际上是巧妙利用了人体肌肉本身的张力和肉毒素自身的作用原理。肉毒素可以通过减弱颈阔肌降肌的作用提升下面部轮廓,进行下颌缘提升,从而拉出紧致无死角的V脸轮廓。 流程: 1、面诊:由医生结合面部情况判断是否适合打肉毒轮廓针。 2、术前准备:局部敷麻药,清洁、消毒注射部位。确认药品。 3、瘦脸针注射:将肉毒注射在下颌缘处。 4、术后注意事项。 时间:30分钟 适合人群: 简介: 溶脂针是目前非手术局部减肥最为安全、有效的方法,尤其适合于小面积局部减肥,消除顽固赘肉,比如双下巴、面部、肢端等难减部位。溶脂针注射后使脂肪的新陈代谢加速,将脂肪降解吸收,同时更可收紧、上提皮肤。 作用原理: 溶脂针的工作原理就是将含有能够瘦身成分的液体以注射的形式直接注射入人体的皮下脂肪层,它会破坏细胞膜,从而破坏脂肪细胞,同时增加局部脂肪内的脂肪酶数量,促进脂肪的活化,把脂肪分解成为细小状态,然后随着身体的代谢由淋巴系统排出体外。 流程: 1、面诊:由医生捏面部脂肪判断脂肪层厚度,根据面部情况判断是否适合面部溶脂。划出待注射的区域。 2、术前准备:局部敷麻药,清洁、消毒注治疗部位。 3、溶脂针注射:钝针平铺式注射,尽量保证一个区域一针。 4、术后注意事项。 时间:30-45分钟 适合人群: 使用英国Aqualyx土豪溶脂针和意大利Desobody溶脂针,均为英国本地许可的溶脂产品,能够精确定位溶脂部位,快速消除体内脂肪细胞,从根本上减少脂肪,且术后不反弹,非侵入性疗法对身体无损伤,安全可靠。 简介: 线雕是目前比较有效的提拉手段了,用可被人体吸收溶解的蛋白线植入到皮肤真皮下层,根据线的间隔和方向提升面部的线条,通过线本身对皮肤的刺激,皮肤内的纤维亚细胞被激活,产生胶原蛋白。面部线雕提拉能重新提拉皮肤支撑力,降低皮肤下垂程度,刺激胶原蛋白新生,主攻下垂软组织。 作用原理: 通过收紧下颌缘/颈阔肌皮肤、减少面部脂肪堆积,综合治疗,多效合一,从而达到改善下颌缘皮肤松弛下垂、下颌缘肥大等问题,提升下颌缘清晰度,重塑锐利的颏颈角,再现如赫本般优雅v型的紧致下颌。 流程: 1、面诊:根据个人面部情况和需求制定布线设计方案。 2、敷麻药:外敷麻药,清洁、消毒入线部位。 3、术前准备:了解埋线方案,检查蛋白线产品及数量。 4、术中治疗:依照治疗方案埋线进行中。 5、术后注意事项。 时间:45-60分钟 适合人群: 简介: MERZ ULTHERAPY®超声刀不是真正的手术刀,而是一种热疗方法。它的聚焦超声波技术能能直达筋膜层,激发皮肤组织自我更新机制,实现皮肤紧致、弹性增加、松弛皮肤上提、皱纹减少、皮肤变白、色斑淡化甚至消退等一系列回春效果。因此在收紧面部松弛肌肤的同时,也有一定消脂、瘦脸的效果。在做面颈部超声刀的同时,对连接处的双下巴的消脂作用也是非常好的,能让下颌线有所显现。 作用原理: 面部超声刀可以分层在皮下4.5MM、3.0MM、1.5MM处输入精准的超声波能量,使组织细胞摩擦发生高热能效应,并凝结热能变成微细“热点”。这些“热点”会激发皮肤组织自我更新机制,刺激胶原自我合成增加、发生组织充填重塑、胶原纤维弹力纤维的弹性增强,可综合性改善肌肤衰老、松弛状况。 流程: 1、面诊:根据个人情况和需求制定超声刀治疗方案。 2、敷麻药:外敷麻药,清洁、消毒治疗部位。 3、术前准备:划线设计治疗区,根据求美者面部衰老症状调节治疗参数。 4、术中治疗: 针对所选治疗部位,超声刀紧肤祛皱治疗进行。 5、术后修复:院线级医用修复面膜+QDEL光疗面罩修复。 6、术后注意事项。 Duration: 1.5-2 hours Suitable for the crowd:
We use the genuine American version of Merz Ultherapy® ultrasonic scalpel, have reached a strategic cooperation with the Merz Group, receive regular professional training, and have received strong support and absolute recognition from the Ultherapy ultrasonic scalpel head office. Introduction: Thermage, also known as radiofrequency skin tightening, uses radiofrequency current to act on the skin tissue, stimulating the synthesis of new collagen and reconstructing the collagen scaffold, thereby achieving a comprehensive anti-aging effect of improving wrinkles, tightening the skin, and lifting and reshaping the contour. The face-lifting effect is similar to the ultrasonic knife, which can tighten sagging flesh while lifting and tightening, achieving a certain face-lifting and shaping effect, and can also achieve a clear contour and outline the jawline. Working principle: The essence of Thermage is radio frequency. During treatment, the patented Thermage FLX treatment probe is used to apply radio frequency energy directly and precisely to the dermis, heating the dermis to 65℃~75℃, stimulating the body to start the self-repair mechanism. A large amount of collagen in the dermis is generated, and an immediate firming effect is produced, making the skin instantly firm. process: Duration: 1.5-2 hours Suitable for the crowd: 1. People with blurred jawline due to aging. 2. People with severe facial sagging and blurred jawline. 3. People who want to stimulate collagen regeneration from the root because injections of medical aesthetics cannot completely solve the problem. 4. People who want a clear jawline and long-term comprehensive anti-aging and wrinkle removal. 5. People who do not pursue short-term immediate results and have sufficient budget.
It uses the latest version of the fifth-generation Thermage FLX. As one of the first official certification agencies in Europe to introduce the fifth-generation Thermage, its clinical experience with Thermage FLX ranks first in the UK. Introduction: FOTONA 4D PRO is a new generation of non-invasive facial anti-aging technology and a laser system for comprehensive and partial-layer anti-aging. The system integrates FOTONA’s European Star patented SMOOTHLIFTIN, FRAC3, PIANO and SUPERFICIAL technologies, creating the world’s only “internal and external combined, layered treatment” four-dimensional anti-aging therapy, which covers contour aging, skin color aging, skin quality aging and tissue volume aging, and achieves the effects of fat dissolving, firming, reshaping contours and rejuvenating the skin from the three aspects of looseness, sagging and fatness. Working principle: With the creative dual-wavelength laser combination, there are 4 modes, SMOOTHLIFTIN, FRAC3, PIANO and SUPERFICIAL, which act on different layers of the skin. Different laser modes can be used to cooperate with each other for different layers and different problems to achieve full-layer treatment of the skin: from deep fat dissolving to firming and lifting of the epidermis, improving skin quality, and multi-dimensional anti-aging, quickly achieving the effects of firming skin, fat dissolving, removing dark circles, removing wrinkles and anti-aging, whitening, rejuvenating skin, lifting and firming. process: 1. VISIA skin test: scientifically displays skin conditions and problems. 2. Face-to-face consultation: Develop a plan based on individual skin conditions and needs. 3. PATCH TEST: Perform PATCH TEST 24 days in advance and proceed if there is no allergic or uncomfortable reaction. 4. Apply anesthetic: Apply anesthetic externally, clean and disinfect the treatment area. 5. Preoperative preparation: Mark the spot with a marker. Before operation, make sure the treatment head is brand new and unopened. 6. Intraoperative treatment: Follow the plan and flexibly adjust the energy and depth of treatment. 7. Postoperative repair: hospital-grade medical repair mask + QDEL phototherapy mask repair. 8. Precautions after surgery. Duration: 30-45 minutes Suitable for the crowd:
Ai Beauty Eurostar FOTONA 4D PRO: We use FOTONA Europe’s representative product FOTONA 4D PRO, the world’s first laser system for full-face three-dimensional anti-aging, with a new treatment concept of “internal and external combination, layered treatment” to achieve multi-dimensional anti-aging and skin rejuvenation.
AI BEAUTY CLINIC is a formal medical beauty institution certified by CQC, the UK’s national medical regulatory agency . It is also a formal medical beauty institution in London that is strongly recommended by medical beauty industry leaders such as ULTHERAPY Ultrasonic Knife Corporation and PISCOSURE Honeycomb Picosecond Corporation. We are currently the largest Asian medical beauty institution in the UK. We have accumulated rich clinical experience with Asian patients and have our own medical research department, led by a famous British chief medical beauty trainer. We have many doctors and nurses who have worked in NHS national hospitals. They are all registered professional medical staff of the UK GMC/NMC . , providing the most formal and safe Asian medical beauty. AI BEAUTY always puts medical safety first. Not only does each medical staff have independent medical insurance, but the clinic also purchases medical insurance with a coverage of 5 million pounds for each guest , purchasing double insurance for each guest to fully protect the interests of customers. So far, AI BEAUTY has successfully served more than 15,000 global customers and has been reported by many well-known media such as European Times and CW TV in the United States. It has established good customer trust and excellent reputation in London, UK.
A. 轮廓针-玻尿酸填充
B. 肉毒轮廓针
C. 面部溶脂
Ai Beauty 溶脂针:
D. 面部线雕
E. 面部超声刀
Ai Beauty Ultrasound Knife:
F. Thermage for the face
Ai Beauty Thermage:
G. Eurostar FOTONA 4D PRO
To improve the blurred jawline,
choose Ai Beauty Clinic. We provide the most professional and safe medical beauty services.