Swollen eyelids are also called watery eyes and fleshy eyes. They are usually caused by excessive fat content in the upper eyelid, which leads to swelling of the internal eye tissue. Swollen eyelids are manifested as swollen and thick upper eyelids, smaller palpebral fissures, and insufficient pupil exposure, so this type of eyes tend to appear dull and lifeless. Introduction
There are two main types of puffy eyelids, one is congenital and the other is acquired. Generally speaking, puffy eyelids are caused by thick fat in the middle and inner septa.
1. The orbital septum fat of young people is congenitally located lower in the anatomical position, or the orbital septum fat is congenitally overdeveloped, which causes the phenomenon of puffy eyelids.
2. Swollen eyelids caused by excessive development of the brow bone also exist.
3. The bulging of orbital fat in the elderly is also a cause of puffy eyelids. Do not remove it all and be very conservative because it is due to aging, not bulging caused by overdevelopment.
4. Swollen eyelids may also be caused by the lacrimal glands, which may be acquired prolapse or congenital anatomical position. Acquired prolapse is mainly caused by aging and crying.
5. The development of deep fat in the orbicularis oculi muscle of the upper eyelid is one of the most special causes of puffy eyelids, which occurs in about 10% of people with puffy eyelids.
6. Edema. For example, eating too much salty food or drinking too much water the night before can also cause swollen eyelids.
7. Physiological or pathological edema caused by staying up late, endocrine disorders, liver and kidney diseases, etc. can also lead to swelling of the upper eyelid.
Specific symptoms
There are generally three types of common puffy eyelids: fat type, muscle type, and loose and aging type.
Fat type Fatty eyelids are the most common type of puffy eyelids. The main cause of their formation is family inheritance. Fatty eyelids have a high fat content in the upper eye area, which is also very thick, giving people a dull and bloated feeling. In addition, the high bulge of the upper eyelid will greatly reduce the depth of the eye socket, greatly reducing the beauty of the eyes in terms of facial vision. Muscle type Visually, muscle-type puffy eyelids will not appear as bloated as fat-type ones. They are generally caused by well-developed orbicularis oculi muscles and thick eyebrows. If the eyelids are still drooping, medical cosmetic treatment is required. Relaxed aging type As we age, the depth and width of skin oxidation gradually increase, and the face begins to show signs of aging, and this sign of aging first starts around the eyes. Sagging eye sockets, sagging upper eyelids, and fat accumulation are all causes of puffy eyelids, especially sagging upper eyelids that droop, which can make people feel tired and dull.
Affected population
Most Asians are born with puffy eyes or eyelids.
Treatment options
A. iFine RF Eye Treatment
iFine handpieces are specially designed for treating the hard-to-reach delicate skin tissue around the eyes. They are fine and compact, fitting every inch of the skin around the eyes, providing all-round treatment of the skin around the eyes without dead angles, including the area under the upper eyelid brow bone that many treatment instruments on the market cannot reach, and comprehensively improving problems such as sagging, fine lines, and dark circles. The treatment effect after a cycle can replace 80% of eye surgeries, and has won the favor of many beauty lovers at home and abroad. The unique multi-source phase control technology, with multiple global authoritative certifications, provides a higher line of defense for the treatment process.
Working principle:
iFine uses its core technology “3DEEP radio frequency technology” to interact with the energy of multiple electrodes. The energy penetration depth is 1.8 mm, which can directly reach the bottom layer of the eye skin, promote collagen heating and contraction from deep, stimulate collagen to accelerate renewal, and stimulate the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid (hyaluronic acid), so that the loose skin wrinkles are tightened, achieving the effect of firming the skin around the eyes, enhancing the three-dimensional sense of the eyes, eliminating fine lines and bags under the eyes, removing dark circles, and restoring the natural elasticity of the eye area, while repairing aging and damaged collagen in the eyes.
1. Face-to-face consultation: Develop improvement plans based on personal needs and eye conditions.
2. Preoperative preparation: Clean and disinfect the treatment area and apply gel.
3. Preparation for heating: Test the temperature. Once the treatment area reaches the target temperature, the operation can begin.
4. Intraoperative treatment: Perform multiple operations on the treatment area.
5. Precautions after surgery.
Duration: 30 minutes
Suitable for the crowd:
- People with sagging around the eyes;
- People with puffy eyelids and swollen eyes;
- People with aging around the eyes and fine lines and crow’s feet;
- People who are troubled by dark circles and eye bags;
- People with sunken and unclear double eyelids;
- People with rough and dry skin around the eyes;
- People who want to prevent eye aging but do not want surgery;
全球唯一一款能够直接作用于眼部的射频技术,专为眼周娇嫩肌肤设计,全方位无死角治疗,是非手术眼部年轻化的最佳选择。 简介: 热玛吉(THERMAGE)又称为电波拉皮,其射频电流作用于皮肤组织内,刺激胶原蛋白新生合成,重构胶原支架,从而达到改善皱纹、紧致肌肤,提升、重塑轮廓的综合性抗衰效果。热玛吉是唯一通过FDA和CFDA批准允许用于眼睑除皱紧致的设备,有专门针对眼周的眼部治疗,对眼部抗衰有逆龄之效。 作用原理: 热玛吉的本质是射频,治疗时会利用热玛吉FLX的专利性治疗探头,将射频能量直接精确作用在真皮层,将真皮加热至65℃~ 75℃,刺激机体启动自我修复机制。眼周肌肤真皮层胶原蛋白大量新生,同时产生即刻紧实效果,让肌肤瞬间紧致起来,鱼尾纹也会会慢慢淡化直至消失。 流程: 1、面诊:根据个人情况和需求制定热玛吉治疗方案。 2、术前准备:清洁、消毒治疗区域,印上治疗“格子”。操作前确认治疗头全新未拆封。 3、术中治疗:针对所选治疗区域,热玛吉紧肤祛皱治疗进行。 4、术后修复:QDEL光疗面罩修复。 5、术后注意事项。 时间:45-60分钟 适合人群: 简介: FOTONA 4D PRO极塑提拉是全新一代无创面部抗衰技术,也是用于全面部分层抗衰的激光系统。该系统集FOTONA欧洲之星专利的 SMOOTHLIFTIN、FRAC3、PIANO和SUPERFICIAL等四种专利技术于一身,独创全球唯一“内外联合、分层治疗”的四维立体抗衰疗法,治疗囊括轮廓衰老、肤色衰老、肤质衰老和组织容量衰老四大部分,从松、垂、肥三个方面实现溶脂紧肤、重塑轮廓、焕颜肌肤的功效。智能可变光斑,可以作用到其余抗衰老激光很难处理的眼周部位,20分钟轻松解决眼袋、眼部皱纹、松弛浮肿、黑眼圈等眼部衰老问题。 作用原理: 以创造性的双波长激光组合,SMOOTHLIFTIN、FRAC3、PIANO和SUPERFICIAL共4种模式作用于肌肤不同层次,可以针对不同层次、不同问题,采取不同的激光模式互相配合,实现皮肤的全层治疗:从深层的溶脂到表皮的紧致提拉、肤质提升,多维抗衰,快速实现紧实肌肤、溶脂、去黑眼圈、去皱抗衰、美白、焕肤嫩肤、提拉紧致的效果。同时,眼周治疗有收紧眼部肌肤,溶解眼袋脂肪的作用。 流程: 1、VISIA皮肤检测:科学显示皮肤状况和问题。 2、面诊:根据个人皮肤状况和需求制定方案。 3、patch test:提前24进行patch test,无过敏或不适反应即可操作。 4、敷麻药:外敷麻药,清洁、消毒治疗部位。 5、术前准备:记号笔定点。操作前确认治疗头全新未拆封。 6、术中治疗:依照方案操作,灵活调节治疗时候能量和深度。 7、术后修复:院线级医用修复面膜+QDEL光疗面罩修复。 8、术后注意事项。 时间:30-45分钟 适合人群: 使用FOTONA欧洲之星的代表性产品FOTONA 4D PRO,全球首创用于全面部立体抗衰的激光系统,以“内外联合、分层治疗”的全新治疗理念做到多维抗衰焕肤。 AI BEAUTY CLINIC是经过英国国家医疗监管机构CQC认证的正规医美机构,也是一家被 Ultherapy超声刀总公司和 PiscoSure蜂巢皮秒总公司等医美行业大佬强力推荐的伦敦正规医美机构。 We are currently the largest Asian medical beauty institution in the UK. We have accumulated rich clinical experience with Asian patients and have our own medical research department. We are led by a famous British chief medical beauty trainer and have many doctors and nurses who have worked in NHS national hospitals. They are all registered professional medical staff of the UK GMC/NMC , providing the most formal and safe Asian medical beauty. AI BEAUTY always puts medical safety first. Not only does each medical staff have independent medical insurance, but the clinic also purchases medical insurance with a coverage of 5 million pounds for each guest , purchasing double insurance for each guest to fully protect the interests of customers. So far, AI BEAUTY has successfully served more than 15,000 global customers and has been reported by many well-known media such as European Times and CW TV in the United States. It has established good customer trust and excellent reputation in London, UK.Ai Beauty iFine Eye Radiofrequency Treatment:
B. 眼部热玛吉
C. 欧洲之星FOTONA 4D PRO-眼周治疗
Ai Beauty 欧洲之星FOTONA 4D PRO:
改善肿泡眼/眼部浮肿,选择 Ai Beauty Clinic,我们提供最专业安全的医美服务。