There is a group of “dark circles” under our eyes that “make us look old”, that is, dark circles and tear troughs. These two are stubborn, difficult to deal with, and inseparable. No matter how beautiful your facial features are, as long as these two hang under your eyes, you will not only look lifeless, but also look tired and old. As long as there is a light source, it can be said to be a “face killer”. Nowadays, medical beauty can solve these problems, which is definitely good news for many people.
Dark circles are the deposits of melanin around the eyes, which are generally caused by excessive use of the eyes, staying up late for a long time, poor blood circulation around the eyes, or genetic factors. Tear troughs are caused by the shrinkage and sagging of the soft tissue at the lower edge of the orbital septum. They start from the inner corner of the eye and appear as a groove on the lower eyelid near the nose. Some people may even extend to the cheek. Tear troughs are a type of wrinkle. One of the three representative lines of aging is tear troughs. Tear troughs not only make people look sleepy but also make them look old. Introduction
○ Pigmented and vascular dark circles:
1. The loss of skin fat and collagen accelerates skin aging, causing the skin to become thinner and thinner;
2. It is related to genetic genes, inflammation, and sun exposure, which lead to pigmentation;
3. Allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion, and chronic sinusitis lead to poor blood circulation and microvascular hyperplasia;
4. Edema caused by crying, excessive salt intake, menstruation, and the end of pregnancy can lead to temporary obvious blood vessels;
5. Abnormal lifestyle, lack of sleep, eye fatigue, stress, anemia and other factors can cause congestion and swelling of the skin around the eyes;
6. Atopic dermatitis, excessive friction, and repeated contact dermatitis can all lead to rough epidermis;
○ Structural dark circles formation:
If the tear trough is obvious, and there is a large depression between the eye bags and the under-eye bags or between the eye bags and the tear trough, the entire dark circle area will appear more sunken and the color will appear darker.
Specific symptoms
Due to the contrast between the depression of the tear trough and the surrounding skin, it is easy to be mistaken for eye bags, but in fact it is just an illusion caused by the deeper tear trough. ● There are two types of tear troughs: simple tear troughs and eye bag tear troughs
● Dark circles can be divided into 3 types: pigmentary, vascular and structural.
Because the epidermis and dermis of the eye are thin, the circulation is insufficient, and the blood vessels are easy to be transparent, so it looks like pink or dark purple, also called cyan dark circles. Vascular dark circles are related to staying up late. When the eyes are tired, the blood circulation around the eyes becomes poor, resulting in a decrease in the amount of blood oxygen around the eyes, and the purple-red color of hypoxic hemoglobin will emerge, which visually looks like dark blue and purple under the eyes. How to judge: Press the dark circles with your hands and you will find that the color will fade. Pigmented dark circles are mostly brown dark circles, which are generally related to dermal melanocytosis. Pigmentation is caused by incomplete melanin production or metabolism. This type of dark circles is generally caused by sun exposure, improper makeup removal or frequent rubbing of the eyes, which forms pigmentation. However, some people are born with pigmentation. How to judge: The color is tea brown and exists on both the upper and lower eyelids. Structural dark circles, also known as shadow-type dark circles, are not actually dark circles in the true sense. Instead, they are often caused by abnormal eye socket structure, such as sagging skin, bulging eye bags, sunken tear troughs, etc. These uneven parts will appear shadows when not exposed to frontal light. How to judge: When the face is facing the light source, the color of the dark circles will become lighter, indicating that it is structural dark circles ▲ Vascular dark circles
▲ Pigmented dark circles
▲ Structural dark circles
∷Most people have mixed dark circles , which is a combination of various dark circles. So it is more difficult to solve. If you are not sure what type of dark circles you have, you can directly ask AI BEAUTY CLINIC for a professional consultation.
Affected population
People who often stay up late, have early aging problems, and have begun to have dark circles, eye bags, fine lines around the eyes, tear troughs and other eye problems that affect their appearance. People with thin eyelids often have more obvious tear troughs than ordinary people.
Treatment options
Since the factors that cause dark circles and tear troughs are many and complex, the treatment options are also different.
If you want to effectively solve the above eye problems, the panda injection is a good choice. By injecting hyaluronic acid to remove dark circles, the main purpose is to fill and repair the thin skin and the shadows in the concave area to remove dark circles. Therefore, no matter what type of dark circles, it has an improvement effect. As a holy product for hydration and filling, hyaluronic acid can also improve fine lines and dry lines around the eyes after injection.
As for tear troughs and eye aging, collagen can quickly fill in the sunken skin tissue and make the sunken part fuller, thus solving the problems of tear trough collapse, tear trough-shaped dark circles, eye aging and sagging, fine lines, etc. The tear trough is no longer sunken, and there is no illusion of eye bags.
A. Panda Needle
熊猫针本名是TEOSYAL REDENSITY ll,由瑞士TEOXANE制药厂生产,是获得CE和FDA双认证的眼袋及眼周细纹解决专家,也是全球首款也是唯一一款针对黑眼圈、泪沟的玻尿酸。具有迅速、长效、安全等优点。
3、术中注射: 在眼下黑眼圈/凹陷处进行注射。
- 早期初现眼周细纹或黑眼圈的人;
- 各类型黑眼圈,包括复合型黑眼圈的人;
- 泪沟凹陷、显老的人;
- 想要即刻改善黑眼圈、泪沟凹陷的人;
B. 眼部热玛吉
热玛吉的本质是射频,治疗时会利用热玛吉FLX的专利性治疗探头,将射频能量直接精确作用在真皮层,将真皮加热至65℃~ 75℃,刺激机体启动自我修复机制。眼周肌肤真皮层胶原蛋白大量新生,同时产生即刻紧实效果,让肌肤瞬间紧致起来,让凹陷部分饱满起来,从而达到解决泪沟塌陷、泪沟型黑眼圈、眼部衰老松弛、细纹等问题。
- 黑眼圈、泪沟等问题严重,成因复杂的人。
- 年龄增大,眼周衰老状况严重的人。
- 注射医美的方式无法完全泪沟凹陷的人。
- 想要长期眼部综合性抗衰除皱的人。
- 不追求短期即时效果,预算充足的人。
C. 欧洲之星FOTONA 4D PRO-眼周治疗
FOTONA 4D PRO极塑提拉是全新一代无创面部抗衰技术,也是用于全面部分层抗衰的激光系统。该系统集FOTONA欧洲之星专利的 SMOOTHLIFTIN、FRAC3、PIANO和SUPERFICIAL等四种专利技术于一身,独创全球唯一“内外联合、分层治疗”的四维立体抗衰疗法,治疗囊括轮廓衰老、肤色衰老、肤质衰老和组织容量衰老四大部分,从松、垂、肥三个方面实现溶脂紧肤、重塑轮廓、焕颜肌肤的功效。智能可变光斑,可以作用到其余抗衰老激光很难处理的眼周部位,20分钟轻松解决眼袋、眼部皱纹、松弛浮肿、黑眼圈等眼部衰老问题。
3、PATCH TEST:提前24进行patch test,无过敏或不适反应即可操作。
- 眼部松弛、有黑眼圈、泪沟、眼袋等问题的人;
- 已经出现眼部初老或衰老情况,眼周细纹开始加重的人;
- 注射医美的方式无法完全泪沟凹陷的人。
- 不追求短期即时效果,想要高性价比、综合性改善眼周状况的人;
使用FOTONA欧洲之星的代表性产品FOTONA 4D PRO,全球首创用于全面部立体抗衰的激光系统,以“内外联合、分层治疗”的全新治疗理念做到多维抗衰焕肤。
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To eliminate dark circles/tear troughs, choose Ai Beauty Clinic. We provide the most professional and safe medical beauty services.
Ai Beauty Clinic is a formal medical beauty institution certified by CQC, the UK’s national medical regulatory agency . It is also a formal medical beauty institution in London that is strongly recommended by medical beauty industry leaders such as Ultherapy Ultrasonic Knife Head Office and PiscoSure Honeycomb Picosecond Head Office.
We are currently the largest Asian medical beauty institution in the UK. We have accumulated rich clinical experience with Asian patients and have our own medical research department. We are led by a famous British chief medical beauty trainer and have many doctors and nurses who have worked in NHS national hospitals. They are all registered professional medical staff of the UK GMC/NMC , providing the most formal and safe Asian medical beauty.
AI BEAUTY always puts medical safety first. Not only does each medical staff have independent medical insurance, but the clinic also purchases medical insurance with a coverage of 5 million pounds for each guest , purchasing double insurance for each guest to fully protect the interests of customers.
So far, AI BEAUTY has successfully served more than 15,000 global customers and has been reported by many well-known media such as European Times and CW TV in the United States. It has established good customer trust and excellent reputation in London, UK.