Category Archives: 半永久

纹眉价格 半永久纹眉价格差异化为何如此之大

From the early semi-permanent tattoo to the current semi-permanent makeup, semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo has become an increasingly common and popular project. Almost 70 to 80 percent of girls have tried semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo. From the initial Korean semi-permanent, eyebrow tattoo technology has been continuously improved and optimized with the development of semi-permanent makeup, and its […]

美瞳线价格 如何选择性价比高的美瞳线

As semi-permanent makeup becomes more and more popular, there are more and more areas where it can be applied. In addition to semi-permanent eyebrow tattoos, semi-permanent eyeliner is also becoming more and more popular, becoming what we often call “beautiful eyeliner”. Eyeliner tattoo is to pierce the skin with a tiny needle tip, inject pigments […]