The M22 ResurFX non-ablative fractional laser is a completely independent laser system that is installed on the most advanced super photon rejuvenation Stellar M22™ instrumentreleased by Lumenis, an American company
Principle of action: The fractional laser with a wavelength of 1565nm emits energy to form a non-ablative aperture of 110um . It uses a high-precision micro-laser beam to create fine and deep micropores in the collagen of the epidermis and dermis tissue, activate the fibrous tissue, and stimulate the reorganization and regeneration of collagen, thereby achieving the effect of removing fine lines, shrinking pores, and improving skin quality . ResurFX™ non-ablative fractional laser minimizes skin irritation and trauma, stimulating skin regeneration without scabbing or peeling. At the same time, it metabolizes uneven pigmentation and pigmentation of acne marks and scars, and repairs skin damaged by acne in all aspects. It is also the first choice for whitening, freckle removal, skin rejuvenation and firming for office workers and students . 1565nm可以造成镜下可见的表皮剥脱作用,在24小时内可完成表皮的修复,改善皮肤肤质,一些色素颗粒可以通过微通道排出去。 治疗时会产生一个真皮加热带,刺激胶原纤维的新生。 该激光穿透深度刚好到达皮脂腺所在位置,刚好加热皮脂腺,减少油脂分泌。 ResurFX非剥脱点阵激光在治疗时会产生一个真皮加热带,加热真皮层。从而治疗皮肤色素异常、痤疮瘢痕及手术瘢痕、减轻皮肤细纹和眼周皱纹。同时它的穿透深度刚好能到达皮脂腺所在的位置,所以可以很好地加热皮脂腺,能在一定程度上抑制皮脂分泌,对于出油型毛孔粗大、油脂分泌异常都有改善。 ✓ 光纤激光 1565NM光纤激光能量稳定均匀,肤质改善均匀。 ✓ 非剥落性 非剥落性激光技术治疗过程中不会损伤皮肤表层,因此恢复期短,风险较低。 ✓ CoolScan™专利技术 CoolScan™非连续扫描仪是ResurFX™1565nm光纤激光器所独有的尖端扫描技术。 ✓ 多参数设置 可从600多种形状、尺寸和扫描密度组合中进行选择,来实现最佳治疗效果。 ✓ 独有手具 独有的Tip全程接触式冷却技术,在治疗过程中以保护组织免受热量积聚和过热造成损伤,舒适度大大提升。 色素沉着(阳光损伤、雀斑、晒斑等光老化问题) 油皮痘肌 肤色暗沉 敏感肌 血管性疾病(酒糟鼻、毛细血管破裂、线状静脉) 痘印痘坑 毛孔粗大 细纹(口唇、眼周、妊娠纹、膨胀纹等) 1565nm点阵激光虽然是无创的,但也是一个加热的过程,所以在治疗过程中还是有一点疼痛的。所以,治疗前护士都会给患者涂抹麻药,这样在治疗过程中会大大提高治疗的舒适度。保证顺利地完成整个治疗。 术后会有轻微的水肿,护士会立马帮你冷敷,从而减轻术后的不良反应。 我们建议4周做一次,治疗的周期是3到5次,这取决于每个人皮肤所需的的适应症。 比如患者毛孔粗大,伴有出油比较多,那么我们往往可能需要5次的治疗才能收到一个比较好的效果。 如果治疗针对的是眼周的细纹,那么可能3次就能够看到一些临床上的改善。 一般我们做激光时,为了安全起见医生都会特意的避开眼周但是1565nm点阵激光可以治疗眼周,而且相当安全,其是眼周细纹。 主要通过刺激皮肤胶原再生,使局部的皮肤变得紧致,从而对细纹起到明显的改善。
The exfoliative fraction can vaporize the surface skin, remove part of the epidermis and act on the dermis to achieve skin reconstruction and regeneration. Therefore, there will be trauma after the treatment, and generally a recovery period of 7 to 10 days is required. Non-ablative dot matrix can penetrate the epidermis and directly act on the dermis, causing little damage. There is no peeling or scabbing after treatment, no recovery period is required, and normal work and life will not be delayed, so it is easier to care for. Non-ablative fractional lasers are not only widely used in dermatology departments of top three hospitals in China, but also used in the UK NHS for medical-grade scar repair in combination with IPL and ResurFX. Of course, since ablative fractional lasers penetrate deeper than non-ablative fractional lasers, they can coagulate surrounding tissues and produce a stronger remodeling response. Therefore, they are often used in combination for different indications. Therefore, everyone is welcome to come to Ai Beauty Clinic for a further consultation with a professional physician.
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Ai Beauty Clinic
The only true non-ablative fractional laser
Matrix Skin Resurfacing Technology
ResurFX™ 1565nm
What are the advantages of non-ablative versus ablative surgery?
Ai Beauty Clinic:
CQC Certification Agency, a UK medical regulatory agency
◎ AI BEAUTY CLINIC is the largest comprehensive Asian medical aesthetic surgery hospital in Europe, certified by CQC, the UK medical regulatory agency.
◎ Adhering to Asian aesthetics , the medical staff are all registered with the UK GMC/NMC , and the professional team is composed of many former NHS doctors and nurses from the UK National Public Hospital.
◎ We have accumulated rich clinical experience with Asian patients, have our own medical research department, and have established a set of safe and effective injection treatment standards for Asian aesthetics and Asian skin types.
◎ The leader of professional skin management projects in London, UK , has the most designated institutions with genuine authorization for top-level equipment. Water-light needles can be directly combined with M22 photorejuvenation, PISCOSURE honeycomb picosecond, HydraFacial and other “black technologies” for combined treatment to double the effect.
◎ After the operation, [UK London’s full range of professional medical-grade masks] moisturize and soothe, paired with [full-effect light therapy skin care] to repair and calm, giving you the most standardized, safe and complete water light needle treatment.
◎ Provide all guests with clinic medical insurance with a coverage of 5 million pounds , giving you extra peace of mind.