The world’s most effective anti-aging treatment More comfortable, more reliable and more effective 3D Firming Thermage, from SOLTA MEDICAL, the leading American medical beauty technology manufacturer, was invented by Dr. Edward W. KNOWLTON in 1995 and the first generation of Thermage THERMAGE COOL SYSTEM was launched in 2002. With the optimization and iteration of the instrument, it has now developed to the latest fifth generation. AI BEAUTY CLINIC has introduced the latest fifth generation Thermage THERMAGE FLX.
A device that can achieve firming, wrinkle removal and lifting in one treatment
Equipment for tightening and lifting the upper and lower eyelids to remove wrinkles
Obtained China CFDA certification in 2015 and has been in use ever since
◎ The only one approved by FDA
◎ The only one allowed by FDA
◎ China CFDA certification
Thermage is a treatment device that has obtained three certifications from the US FDA, EU CE and China CFDA , ensuring safety for the human body. It has 33 authorized patents worldwide and is globally recognized as a top medical beauty device that can achieve significant lifting, firming and wrinkle removal effects in one treatment. Tom Cruise and Demi Moore have publicly claimed to have received treatments from Thermage, and Big S specially recommended it in her beauty book!
Thermage uses radio frequency current to act on the skin tissue, generating an electromagnetic field, causing the molecules in the tissue to vibrate regularly and produce a thermal effect. This thermal effect will activate the renewal of skin collagen, stimulate collagen contraction and denaturation, promote the new synthesis of collagen, and reconstruct the collagen scaffold, thereby achieving the effects of improving wrinkles, tightening the skin, and lifting and reshaping the contour. Thermage can achieve a relatively long-lasting effect in one treatment, which is one of its major advantages. It can generally last for about 3 to 5 years. This method is relatively safe and takes a short time. There is little pain during the treatment process. Moreover, the positioning is accurate and the treatment is accurate and natural.
★ 重点:热玛吉的本质是“射频( riadiofrequency)” 射频是什么?是一种高频交流电磁波的简称。热玛吉的射频频率为6.78MHZ,即6.78*106 HZ!也就是说,热玛吉射频电流每秒改变极性接近七百万次!射频电波频率高、极性转换快,热效应更好!射频紧肤的原理简单叙述就是:热玛吉利用专利性的治疗探头,直接精确作用在真皮层,将真皮加热至65℃~ 75℃,刺激机体启动自我修复机制:真皮层胶原蛋白大量新生,同时产生即刻紧实效果,让肌肤瞬间紧致起来。而配置的表皮冷却系统将表皮温度控制在35℃一45℃,避免表皮烫伤。 皮肤内的胶原蛋白受到热损伤到重组再生是有周期性变化的。皮肤组织在热玛吉治疗后会经历三个重要时期:炎性期、增生/合成期、重塑期。 在治疗后的2天左右时间里,皮肤内会有轻微的水肿现象;在治疗后的第3周开始,自身修复机制的启动,可以看到因胶原新生而带来的皮肤紧致、提升等效果,更好的效果将在3-6个月甚至更久持续增加。一般来说,这种持续的效果会维持3~5年左右。 THERMAGE FLX 是THERMAGE无创紧肤除皱系统家族一款新型号,用于非侵入式紧致除皱塑形的治疗。The THERMAGE FLX™ 系统将调谐脉冲集成到每个高频能量脉冲(REP)中。这些调谐脉冲自动测量局部阻抗值并调整能量输出参数,以便为每一个治疗区提供一致的能量,使皮肤接收到的能量更均匀,效果较第四代比较有更好的提升。 FLX标榜着3大效能的提升, 这是一场关于胶原大爆发的极致逆龄美学疗程。 THERMAGE FLX智能全效探头Total Tip 4.0较第四代热玛吉全效探头3.0,治疗探头的覆盖面积扩大了近三分之一,覆盖面积及治疗速度均有提高。 这就意味着同样面部面积、同样的皮肤深度,第四代需要900、1200发才能完成的面部治疗,第五代600、900发就可以完成,治疗时间大大缩短,疼痛时间也随之降低。即使是同样的眼部发数450发,而五代的每一发面积都更大,更能细致覆盖整个面部不同的部位,再配合加热皮下温度达75°C,可以刺激到更深层的皮肤,达到更棒的紧致皮肤效果。午餐式美肤,节省宝贵时间。 FLX的核心技术是——ACCUREP™ 技术 ,优化的能量输出程序,对每个脉冲进行实时调谐,通俗的说就是根据不同的皮肤状况、不同的部位微调优化每一发的射频能量,使每发能量的输出更均匀。这种技术,不仅使皮下的热量均衡,治疗效果更精准,同时将烫伤风险降低为零。 舒适脉冲+震动减痛。前面提到FLX不敷麻药也能耐受治疗,因为第五代热玛吉治疗过程的震动级别2,相对于四代的3-5的能量级别是小了许多,让治疗过程更加舒适。第五代热玛吉一方面是治疗头增大,疼痛时间缩短;一方面ACCUREP技术,使能量更均匀,间断性的射频脉冲,冷却喷射,振动设计阻断疼痛信号传递至大脑,一旦有阻抗,可以自动调节能量,防止烫伤,提升舒适度;此外FLX的探头在热玛吉THERMAGE®CPT的基础上改良至全方位震动模式,大大提升疗程舒适度。 FDA唯一认可用于上下眼睑的非侵入性治疗 超过10年以上临床治疗经验 效果立即可见,6个月内持续改善,效果可维持3~5年 无需开刀或注射,接受治疗后可立即恢复日常生活 1、面部皮肤组织松弛下垂、皱纹过多、肤质老化粗糙、重塑脸型曲线,有效提升眼周区及颈部组织松弛、下垂者; 2、收紧松弛的肌肤,祛除真性假性皱纹,修复妊娠纹; 3、治疗青春痘;消除痤疮疤痕; 4、全身抗衰老:颈、背部收紧修形、胸形调整、腰腹周塑修形、塑造臀形、腿形; 5、适用多种皱纹,深层皱纹、皱褶、额头纹、眼周纹、眼角鱼尾纹、鼻唇沟、唇部皱褶、眉头纹等; A|热玛吉最新的技术是用THERMAGEFLX探头取代第四代的TOTAL TIP探头。THERMAGEFLX相比第四代THERMAGE的脸部探头,用上崭新ACCUREP技术,每次发放能量前会自动测量及准确调整能量输出,令治疗效果和舒适度得到大大提升。加上新的治疗机头支持探头,比旧探头大33%,令治疗时间和发数大大减少,将不适感觉大幅减低! 新的治疗机头亦换上3D振动,比THERMAGECPT更温柔,减痛能力大大提高。 A|热玛吉紧肤术后,使用温和日化品,1周内不要去高温桑拿、瑜伽等高温环境,并且不建议暴晒。 A|热玛吉紧肤后,会看到肌肤提升收紧的现象,通常明显的效果是在2-4个月逐渐出现的,有些顾客可能在半年后会看到更为明显的效果。 A|每当治疗器材接触皮肤时,能感到短暂的冷却感,接着会是短阵的深层加热感,再出现另一次冷却感。您所感到的加热是因为皮肤深层正达到发挥紧致作用的有效温度。五代热玛吉THERMAGEFLX技术,还会感到温和的震动,发热发烫的感觉也变得柔和,舒适感大大提升。 A|热玛吉紧肤抗衰系统是全球唯一采用单级射频技术,通过高能高频传导技术,刺激皮下胶原蛋白增生的高科技非手术抗衰塑形仪,只需一次治疗即可令松弛皮肤收紧,眼袋、发际纹变浅、下颌线条清晰,整体皮肤光滑紧致,面部轮廓清晰,整个人更加青春靓丽。 A|最新第五代热玛吉治疗后不须要格外调理,在治疗完成后即可立即恢复正常活动。 A|非侵入性的治疗方式会获得较为含蓄渐进的疗效,并且无需额外复原时间。而这也就是THERMAGE的成功之处,是提供紧致度、肤质、肤色全面的改善并且几乎没有副作用。如果护肤品已经没法彻底解决你目前的皮肤以及衰老问题,又难以接受整形手术,则THERMAGE便是最安全有效的治疗选择。 热玛吉需使皮下温度升至65℃~75℃,需均匀灼烧皮肤组织,是一种高风险、高精密度的医疗手术。热玛吉对操作人员的人体构造学知识要求极高,误操作很可能致使面部脂肪萎缩,胶原蛋白永久性流失。热玛吉带来的医疗毁容事故,终生不可逆。 根据不同政策,在中国,热玛吉项目必须由医疗美容科或皮肤科执业医生操作,且需进行THERMAGE资质考核。而在英国,取得相关从业资质的医生和美容技师均可操作热玛吉。 相对美容技师,有医学背景的医护人员具有以下优势: ■ 系统的医学训练经历 美容技师的相关知识与临床操作经验一般限于医学美容类别的特定项目,而医生与护士接受过多年更全面、更系统的医学训练。热玛吉项目中,更系统的医学训练经历的重要性在于: □咨询阶段——可根据手术者的疾病史、用药史等,进行全方位方案评估与调整; □手术阶段——因具备完整解剖学知识,可根据人体构造进行精准操作。同时,操作时如遇到极小概率的紧急或特殊情况,有能力迅速处理反应。 ■ 稳定的临床水平 在英国,美容技师需获得NVQ(国家专业资格)认证。NVQ分为五个等级,执行热玛吉操作的美容技师资格等级可能为NVQ2级至4级,这就导致操作热玛吉的美容技师在经验和技术上可能存在较大差异。与此同时,接受医学院教育并获得医疗执业资质的医护人员,拥有较稳定的临床水平。 热玛吉Thermage总公司Solta Medical全力支持 热玛吉公司Solta Medical正版授权证书 AI BEAUTY CLINIC is fully supported by SOLTA MEDICAL, the parent company of THERMAGE, and is one of the first medical beauty institutions in Europe to introduce the latest version of the fifth generation THERMAGE FLX. AI BEAUTY CLINIC is a professional medical team led by medical beauty training instructors. They regularly receive advanced training and technical support from THERMAGE parent company and are committed to bringing the latest and most cutting-edge skin tightening technology to customers, building a world-class platform for skin tightening and wrinkle removal, and easily realizing customers’ wishes for continuous perfection and eternal youth. ● AI BEAUTY CLINIC is the first European company to introduce the fifth-generation THERMAGE FLX, and is also the first official certification body for Thermage FLX clinical experience in the UK. ● All Thermage projects of AI BEAUTY CLINIC are performed by doctors and nurses registered with the UK GMC/NMC , who receive regular advanced training and technical support from the Thermage head office . ● AI BEAUTY CLINIC is certified and registered with CQC (Care Quality Commission) , the UK’s national medical regulatory agency , and the sources of Thermage equipment and consumables are guaranteed to be the most formal. ● AI BEAUTY CLINIC provides all customers with clinic medical insurance with a coverage of GBP 5 million , giving you extra peace of mind. ● During the event, AI BEAUTY CLINIC promises to give you the lowest Thermage price in the UK . AI BEAUTY is the first official certification body in the UK for Thermage FLX clinical experience. All Thermage projects are performed by doctors and nurses registered with the UK GMC/NMC.
The protein thread facial lifting process stimulates the generation of new cells across the face to lift the face, and provides more nutrition to new collagen fiber cells, thereby achieving the effects of both skin rejuvenation and anti-aging. The world’s only four-dimensional anti-aging therapy that combines internal and external factors for layered treatment covers four major areas: contour aging, skin color aging, skin quality aging, and tissue volume aging. It achieves the effects of dissolving fat, tightening the skin, reshaping contours, and rejuvenating the skin from the three aspects of looseness, sagging, and fatness. Thermage Principle
热玛吉 Thermage FLX
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★ 在Ai Beauty Clinic,所有热玛吉项目均由「GMC/NMC注册医护」,医学背景强大的医生或护士操作。所有医护均受官方培训,拥有热玛吉操作资质和保险。
Why choose AI BEAUTY CLINIC for Thermage
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About AI BEAUTY’s fifth-generation Thermage FLX treatment
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