Ai Beauty is the UK’s number one official certification body for Thermage FLX clinical experience. All Thermage projects are performed by doctors and nurses registered with the UK GMC/NMC.
AI BEAUTY Thermage
As one of the first medical beauty institutions in Europe to introduce the latest fifth-generation Thermage FLX, Ai Beauty Clinic is committed to bringing the latest and most cutting-edge skin tightening technology to customers and building a world-class platform for skin tightening and wrinkle removal. Easily realize the customer’s wish for continuous perfection and eternal youth! Providing customers with comfortable treatment is also our goal of constantly pursuing excellent service results.
-Thermage (Solta Medical) genuine authorization certificate-
-Four major features of Thermage-
The only FDA-approved non-invasive treatment for upper and lower eyelids More than 10 years of clinical treatment experience The effect is immediately visible, with continuous improvement within 6 months and the effect can last for 3 to 5 years No surgery or injections are required, and you can return to your daily life immediately after treatment
-Thermage treatment area-
Choose to do it at Ai Beauty Clinic
Four reasons for the fifth generation of Thermage FLX
- Ai Beauty is the first company in Europe to introduce the fifth-generation Thermage FLX, and is also the first official certification body in the UK for Thermage FLX clinical experience.
- All Thermage treatments at Ai Beauty Clinic are performed by doctors and nurses registered with the UK GMC/NMC.
- Ai Beauty is certified and registered with the UK’s national medical regulatory agency CQC (Care Quality Commission), and the sources of Thermage equipment and consumables are guaranteed to be the most formal.
- During the event, Ai Beauty promises you the lowest Thermage price in the UK
Why does Thermage require a licensed physician to perform the procedure?
Thermage requires the subcutaneous temperature to rise to 65°C to 75°C and the skin tissue to be burned evenly. It is a high-risk, high-precision medical procedure. Thermage requires the operator to have extremely high knowledge of anatomy. Misoperation may cause facial fat atrophy and permanent loss of collagen. Medical disfigurement accidents caused by Thermage are irreversible for life.
According to different policies, in China, Thermage projects must be performed by practicing doctors in medical cosmetology or dermatology, and the Thermage qualification assessment is required. In the UK, doctors and beauty technicians who have obtained relevant professional qualifications can operate Thermage.
Compared with beauty technicians, medical staff with a medical background have the following advantages in doing Thermage:
⭕️Systematic medical training experience
The relevant knowledge and clinical operation experience of beauty technicians are generally limited to specific projects in the category of medical beauty, while doctors and nurses have received more comprehensive and systematic medical training for many years. In the Thermage project, the importance of more systematic medical training experience lies in:
- Consultation stage: comprehensive plan evaluation and adjustment can be conducted based on the patient’s medical history, medication history, etc.;
- During the operation, the surgeon has complete knowledge of anatomy and can perform precise operations based on the human body structure. At the same time, if an emergency or special situation with a very small probability is encountered during the operation, the surgeon has the ability to respond quickly.
⭕️Stable clinical level
In the UK, beauty technicians need to obtain NVQ (National Professional Qualification) certification. NVQ is divided into five levels, and the qualification level of beauty technicians performing Thermage operations may be NVQ level 2 to 4, which leads to large differences in experience and skills among beauty technicians performing Thermage operations. At the same time, medical staff who have received medical school education and obtained medical practice qualifications have a relatively stable clinical level.
At Ai Beauty Clinic, all Thermage treatments are performed safely by medical staff registered with the UK GMC/NMC, and full medical insurance is purchased for every customer. This year, Ai Beauty has passed the CQC certification, which is something that even NHS hospitals have to work hard to pass. It is not only a medical beauty institution, but also an independent hospital.
Ai Beauty Clinic 得到热玛吉Thermage总公司Solta Medical全力支持,欧洲首批引入第五代热玛吉Thermage FLX,也是热玛吉FLX临床经验全英国第一的官方认证机构。 热玛吉,是利用射频电流作用于皮肤组织内,产生电磁场,使组织内的分子发生规律振动,产生热效应,这种热效应会启动皮肤胶原蛋白更新,刺激胶原蛋白收缩、变性,并促进胶原蛋白新生合成,重构胶原支架,从而达到改善皱纹、紧致肌肤,提升、重塑轮廓的效果。 热玛吉一次治疗就可获得一个比较持久的效果,这是它的一大优势,一般可维持在3~5年左右。该方法安全性较高,时间短;治疗过程很少有疼痛感;而且定位准确,治疗准确自然。 射频是什么?是一种高频交流电磁波的简称。热玛吉的射频频率为6.78MHz,即6.78*106 Hz!也就是说,热玛吉射频电流每秒改变极性接近七百万次!射频电波频率高、极性转换快,热效应更好!射频紧肤的原理简单叙述就是:热玛吉利用专利性的治疗探头,直接精确作用在真皮层,将真皮加热至65℃~ 75℃,刺激机体启动自我修复机制:真皮层胶原蛋白大量新生,同时产生即刻紧实效果,让肌肤瞬间紧致起来。而配置的表皮冷却系统将表皮温度控制在35℃一45℃,避免表皮烫伤。 皮肤内的胶原蛋白受到热损伤到重组再生是有周期性变化的。皮肤组织在热玛吉治疗后会经历三个重要时期:炎性期、增生/合成期、重塑期。 在治疗后的2天左右时间里,皮肤内会有轻微的水肿现象;在治疗后的第3周开始,自身修复机制的启动,可以看到因胶原新生而带来的皮肤紧致、提升等效果,更好的效果将在3-6个月甚至更久持续增加。一般来说,这种持续的效果会维持3~5年左右。 Theramge FLX是Thermage无创紧肤除皱系统家族一款新型号,用于非侵入式紧致除皱塑形的治疗。The Thermage FLX™ 系统将调谐脉冲集成到每个高频能量脉冲(REP)中。这些调谐脉冲自动测量局部阻抗值并调整能量输出参数,以便为每一个治疗区提供一致的能量,使皮肤接收到的能量更均匀,效果较第四代比较有更好的提升。 Thermage FLX 代表什么? FLX标榜着3大效能的提升,这是一场关于胶原大爆发的极致逆龄美学疗程。 Thermage FLX智能全效探头Total Tip 4.0较第四代热玛吉全效探头3.0,治疗探头的覆盖面积扩大了近三分之一,覆盖面积及治疗速度均有提高。 这就意味着同样面部面积、同样的皮肤深度,第四代需要900、1200发才能完成的面部治疗,第五代600、900发就可以完成,治疗时间大大缩短,疼痛时间也随之降低。即使是同样的眼部发数450发,而五代的每一发面积都更大,更能细致覆盖整个面部不同的部位,再配合加热皮下温度达75°C,可以刺激到更深层的皮肤,达到更棒的紧致皮肤效果。午餐式美肤,节省宝贵时间。 FLX的核心技术是——AccuREP™ 技术 ,优化的能量输出程序,对每个脉冲进行实时调谐,通俗的说就是根据不同的皮肤状况、不同的部位微调优化每一发的射频能量,使每发能量的输出更均匀。这种技术,不仅使皮下的热量均衡,治疗效果更精准,同时将烫伤风险降低为零。 舒适脉冲+震动减痛。前面提到FLX不敷麻药也能耐受治疗,因为第五代热玛吉治疗过程的震动级别:2,相对于四代的3-5的能量级别是小了许多,让治疗过程更加舒适。第五代热玛吉一方面是治疗头增大,疼痛时间缩短;一方面AccuREP技术,使能量更均匀,间断性的射频脉冲,冷却喷射,振动设计阻断疼痛信号传递至大脑,一旦有阻抗,可以自动调节能量,防止烫伤,提升舒适度;此外FLX的探头在热玛吉Thermage®CPT的基础上改良至全方位震动模式,大大提升做热玛吉疗程的舒适度。 Ai Beauty Clinic拥有多位超过7年亚洲客人微整形实操经验的英国权威医生和明星Practitioner坐诊,都是英国GMC/NMC注册专业医护人员。其中包括欧洲各大药品商授权的注射医师、顶尖培训师等。我们的医师团队里有英国著名微整培训导师Dr. Xu和 Dr. Zunaid,英国排名第一的超声刀总部培训师Sarah,以及有丰富亚洲客人临床经验的超声刀明星Practitioner Jenny等。Ai Beauty Clinic医生注射水平权威认证,资质可查。 Ai Beauty Clinic 积累了丰富的亚洲客人临床经验,拥有自己的医学研究部门,由著名英国微整培训导师牵头,并且与多家欧洲顶尖医疗机构合作,建立了一套针对亚洲审美和亚洲肤质的安全有效的治疗标准。 Ai Beauty有完备的客人档案和严谨标准的皮肤管理流程,全程无菌操作及一体化的服务流程,拥有完备的保险制度和严谨的安全责任体系。Ai Beauty始终将医疗安全置于第一位,不仅每位医护人员有独立的医疗保险, 还购买了保额5百万英镑的诊所医疗保险,给每一个客人双重保险,全面保障客户利益。 Ai Beauty Clinic 只与世界顶级医疗厂商合作,选用当前最新、最顶尖、最安全的医疗设备。例如Ai Beauty Clinic 选用目前市面上最专业的皮肤检测仪器Visia;有“王者之心”的称号顶级光子嫩肤仪器M22;唯一经美国FDA和中国CFDA双认证拥有“755nm波长”和“蜂巢净肤”功能的PicoSure 755nm蜂巢皮秒激光;众多版本超声刀中唯一获美国FDA权威认证的正版美版Merz Ultherapy超声刀等等。此次依旧引进的是最新最专业的第五代热玛吉Thermage FLX,Thermage FLX是同时获得美国FDA、欧盟CE及中国CFDA三项认证的顶级抗衰除皱治疗设备。 A|Thermage’s latest technology is to replace the fourth-generation Total Tip probe with the THERMAGE FLX probe. Compared with the fourth-generation THERMAGE facial probe, THERMAGE FLX uses the new ACCUREP technology, which automatically measures and accurately adjusts the energy output before each energy release, greatly improving the treatment effect and comfort. In addition, the new treatment head supports the probe, which is 33% larger than the old probe, greatly reducing the treatment time and the number of shots, and greatly reducing the discomfort! The new treatment head also uses 3D vibration, which is gentler than the THERMAGE CPT and greatly improves the pain relief ability. A|After Thermage skin tightening surgery, use mild daily chemical products, avoid going to high-temperature environments such as high-temperature saunas and yoga within 1 week, and exposure to the sun is not recommended. A|After Thermage skin tightening, collagen will regenerate and you will see the skin lift and tighten. Usually, noticeable results will appear gradually over 2-4 months. Some customers may see more obvious results after half a year. A|Whenever the treatment device touches the skin, you can feel a brief cooling sensation, followed by a short burst of deep heating, and then another cooling sensation. The heating you feel is because the deep layers of the skin are reaching an effective temperature to tighten and promote collagen regeneration. The fifth generation of Thermage THERMAGE FLX technology also allows you to feel gentle vibrations, and the feeling of heat and fever becomes gentle, greatly improving your comfort. A|Thermage skin tightening and anti-aging system is the world’s only high-tech non-surgical anti-aging and body shaping device that uses single-stage radio frequency technology to stimulate the proliferation of subcutaneous collagen through high-energy and high-frequency conduction technology. Only one treatment is needed to tighten loose skin, reduce eye bags and hairline lines, and make the jaw line clear. The overall skin is smooth and firm, the facial contours are clear, and the whole person is more youthful and beautiful. A|The latest fifth-generation Thermage treatment does not require special conditioning, and you can resume normal activities immediately after the treatment is completed. A|Non-invasive treatments will achieve more subtle and gradual results, and no additional recovery time is required. This is the success of THERMAGE, which provides comprehensive improvements in firmness, skin texture, and skin tone with almost no side effects. If skin care products can no longer completely solve your current skin and aging problems, and you find it difficult to undergo plastic surgery, THERMAGE is the safest and most effective treatment option. 1. As a non-surgical and non-invasive wrinkle removal: no surgery is required, high safety, and avoids “skin pain” 2. Replace and surpass surgical face lift, tighten loose skin, anti-aging for the whole body; long-term wrinkle removal, comprehensive beauty 3. Painless and scar-free, no recovery period required 4. Grid positioning technology, precise and natural effect 5. Stimulate collagen regeneration, the effect lasts for several years Regenerated collagen is visible to the naked eye Face Firming Eye Anti-aging The perpetual collagen regeneration “machine”
Ai Beauty is the first company in Europe to introduce the fifth generation of Thermage FLX, and is also the first official certification body in the UK for Thermage FLX clinical experience. The highest version of the anti-aging magic can now be easily enjoyed in the UK!
Frequently Asked Questions
With Thermage FLX®, most patients will notice measurable results anywhere from 2 to 6 months after a single treatment. In some cases, this can last up to 1 or even 2 years (depending on your skin’s condition and aging process). To help manage any discomfort, the Thermage FLX® System incorporates vibrations of the skin during treatment. During this procedure, you will feel a brief sensation of heat when the tip of the device touches your skin. This is followed by a cooling sensation that helps protect your skin and minimize any discomfort. Thermage does not affect the outer layer of the skin, so there are minimal side effects or risks. There may be some minor swelling or redness after the procedure, but this will subside within 48 hours. Thermage is safe during breastfeeding, but because it uses radio wave technology, it is not recommended for use during pregnancy. For best results, we recommend a Thermage treatment every 12 months. The only side effect experienced by previous patients is temporary redness and/or slight swelling following treatment. This usually disappears within 24 hours.
重点:热玛吉的本质是“射频( riadiofrequency)”
-热玛吉Thermage FLX-
-选择AI BEAUTY的优势-
-Thermage Effects-
Choose to do it at Ai Beauty Clinic
Four reasons for the fifth generation of Thermage FLX